Wow! Did you feel the energy in the room today? What an amazing sight to see so many of you and the Dreamers together. We hope that you enjoyed this first day and have gotten a taste of more to come for this year. As you can seen from our time together, our aim is to invite joy and playfulness in order to create an optimal space for learning and dreaming. Today we continued on our five year tradition of extending this invitation and of watering a hope seed.
Please be aware that as we start working on our book, that you may want to go deeper with the Nicaragua Dreamer Project/Tengo Un Sueño. We need a lot of help with this as we will need to raise close to $6,000 by May 2010. We are very confident that we can do this, but we know that it is only through student involvement and support that it can happen.
~Carlos González Morales